Professional Editing you can Trust
I know what it means to hand your manuscript over to someone to edit because I’m a writer, too. So I’m definitely sympathetic when it comes to editing another author’s hard-earned writing! When you need an editor-ally, I’m here to help you get your text reader-ready.
Why is editing important?
As a writer your aim is for your words to capture the attention of your audience. But errors and inconsistencies in a text can distract and annoy readers, which often leads to loss of engagement. Careful editing helps you keep your audience happily attuned from start to finish.
I’m a Line Editor and Copyeditor
Once your manuscript has it’s basic shape I help to refine the text.
With Line Editing (also called Stylistic Editing) we’re working at the paragraph and sentence (line) level, making sure there’s good flow to the entire text and that the narrative makes sense. This may involve moving sentences and even paragraphs around in the interests of clarifying meaning and ensuring coherence.
With Copyediting we’re aiming for clarity, coherency, consistency, and correctness (the “4 Cs” of copy editing) throughout the entire text. It’s in this stage that we make sure that: your character’s features haven’t changed midway through the book, word usage is correct, timelines are accurate and realistic, references are the right format, images and other elements appear where they ought, grammar and style are correct, and spelling is consistent - among many other things!
Check out the Levels and Types of Editing page to learn more about the different types of editing.
My Assurance to You
Your authorial voice is important, so I take care to ensure that your voice and vision are preserved throughout the editing process. It may also reassure you to know that you get to choose which editorial changes to keep and which to ignore. It’s your manuscript, after all, and editing is always a collaborative endeavour.
When you need another set of eyes on your manuscript you can rest easy knowing that I will help make your words the best they can be. Check out the Services page to see what types of things I like to edit.