
Line Editing and Copyediting

  • Art & Art History

    Non-Fiction: Academic and popular consumption texts, exhibition catalogues, long- and short-form content, theses and dissertations. My academic background is in art history (PhD) and I’m fluent in “art-speak”, though (full disclosure) I’m not a fan of heavy critical methodology.

    Fiction: If your novel is about an artist, is set in the art world, or otherwise has to do with art, drop me a line!

    (Image: Still Life with Book, Richard Diebenkorn. Oil on canvas, 1958)

  • Equestrian

    Fiction and Non-Fiction: I’ve always loved horses, and I now have one of my own. Anything to do with horses piques my interest, and I’m knowledgeable in the field. Editing for both long- and short-form content.

    If your novel has even a whiff of horse, bring me along for the ride!

    (Image: my guy.)

  • Cozy Mysteries

    I love a good mystery, and cozy mysteries are among my favourites. I’ll sift through your manuscript like the ablest sleuth, applying editing principles to solve copy crimes.

    (Image: photo by yours truly)

  • Romance

    Ahh, romance! I read extensively in the genre, so I’m familiar with romantic tropes and reader expectations. A little spice is nice, but three-alarm-fires aren’t my thing.

    (Image: Frederick William Burton, The Meeting on the Turret Stairs, 1864. National Gallery of Ireland)


Content Writing

The best content informs, entertains, and/or inspires your readers, and my writing ticks all the boxes. My flair for research and facility with language ensures quality written content for your project. I’m available to write primarily art-related content, but other topics are considered. Feel free to inquire.